House of Prayer Church Gurnee was founded by Apostle Mark and Prophetess Deborah McCorley September 2009.
Apostle Mark McCorley
Though he never mastered the Japanese language, he has always shared the beginning of his Bio with Citizens of Japan while sharing the Lord Jesus.
Born in San Diego, California and raised in Nichiren Buddhism -a branch of Mahayana Buddhism based on the teachings of the 13th century Japanese Buddhist priest Nichiren (1222–1282) and is one of the “Kamakura Buddhism” schools.
Although his family practiced with Soka Gakkai International Buddhism, his mother Mary McCorley faithfully read God’s Holy Word to him everyday. After the passing of his father George McCorley in 1979 the family Gohozon was destroyed and burned.
At 14 years of age, Apostle Mark knew he was called to do God’s Work and spread the Name of Jesus Christ.
Apostle McCorley served in the U.S. Navy for over 20 years. During that time he and his family moved many times. With each move was the prayer, “Lord where do you want us to go next?” The Navy was sending us, but God was directing our path. We called ourselves the Military Missionaries, going where the Navy sent us and doing what the Lord told us to do
Apostle McCorley was active in Street Ministry in San Diego, CA. and headed the Gospel Choir on board the US Dixon. In Honolulu, HI. Apostle McCorley’s thirst for the knowledge of God became unquenchable. He studied God’s Word like never before. He attended ministers training at AMR Chapel. Apostle McCorley received his first Ministers licenses while in Hawaii on August 5, 1997 by Elder Ronald Jones. Soon they would transition from Hawaii to Japan. On his first day in Sasebo, Japan, Apostle McCorley met his dear friend and co-laborer in the Lord Minister Bazzle Rogers. With the closing of the Hario Gospel Service shortly after the McCorley’s arrival to Sasebo Minister McCorley, Sister Mccorley and Minister Rogers founded Greater Harvest Holiness Church in Hino Cho, Sasebo Japan..
Apostle McCorley completed a Bachelor of Theology degree from the Sacramento Theological Seminary and Bible College under the direction of the late Bishop Archie Buchanan. Bishop Buchanan ordained Apostle McCorley as an Elder in the Church of God in Christ. He ministered as Lay Leader on the USS Fort McHenry and the USS Juneau as there was no chaplain aboard the ships at the time.
Apostle McCorley transitioned back to the United States to pursue the Chaplains Corps. While serving at Greater St. James Temple COGIC, Pastor Mark studied at Southern Illinois University & Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in the areas of BS in Education, Master’s of Divinity and Counseling Psychology. While laboring at Greater St. James Apostle McCorley also served in the Jail Ministry, Vice President of Evangelism Department, on a District Level. He was accepted as a Chaplin’s Candidate and given a date of commission, but the Lord sought to use him in another way.
Having the “heart of a Pastor” Apostle and Prophetess McCorley established the House of Prayer Church, COGIC in September of 2009. Since that time, Apostle McCorley has receive numerous recognition and awards including “Outstanding Religious Organization Leader”, “Drum Major Award” and the “Summit of Hope Appreciation” presented by Illinois Governor Bruce Rouner.
In September 2016 Apostle McCorley was led to disfellowship with the Church of God in Christ and assumed the position of the Chief Apostle of House of Prayer Ministries. Then on June 25, 2017 he was Affirmed and Elevated to the Office of the Apostle by the Laying of Hands by the Regional Apostles and Affirmation by Apostle and Prophetess Taylor of Word of Life Ministry and Kingdom Covenant Fellowship.