Our Pastors and Church Board have voted and approved to move forward with the purchase a new church building.
We have been ministering in current space for over 13 years. Serving the community through outreach to the homeless, Recovery Programs, Back to School Festivals, Angel Tree Programs and more. This new location will afford us the opportunity to increase our labor for the Lord.
Substantial Funds are needed to complete the purchase of property. House of Prayer has initiated a Building Capital Campaign! We appreciate your individual, organizational, corporate, and community support! PLEASE GIVE NOW using the button below to help reach our capital campaign goal of $55,000. You may also choose to use our CashApp $HOPgurnee (link on our giving page) or Send a Check or Money Order to House of Prayer Church 101 Ambrogio Dr. STE H, Gurnee, Illinois 60031
Thank You for your tax deductible donations and prayers!